Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Emotional Lives of Farm Animals

What a delightful movie. Way to go Roxanne and Tyler for finding and showing this movie. How can we continue to deny the emotional lives of such animals such as cows, chickens, turkeys and sheep? Do we do so out of self denial? If we were to admit that these animals felt pain and fear than would we continue to eat the large steak on our plate? It's easier to enjoy meat when you don't know where it comes from. It's very similar to the Westerners who denied that Africans had emotions. If they admitted they had emotions they wouldn't have been able to enslave and torture them for their own benefit? Why can we admit that cats and dogs have emotions but not admit that farm animals do? I'm not advocating that everyone become vegetarian but I am advocating that we educate ourselves about where our food comes from so we can begin to make educated choices. Nice job you guys. I enjoy learning from my students.

1 comment:

Coco said...

Hehe, yes... usually when we don't know where the food comes from, we eat it, yet when we see what is behind the food or like.. where did the food really come from, we then change right away and not eat those that we do not want.